XT912-Tundra Arrow
The new strut based wing from Airborne with a cruising speed of 70 knots and a range of 700 kms
The XT912-Tundra Arrow combines a highly developed touring wing with a proven engine and base design. The Tundra version opens up a huge range of landing options.
With a range of approximately 700 kilometers and the incredible reliabilty of the Rotax 912 engine adventures are bound to be yours in the Airborne XT912-Tundra Arrow.
This project aim was to improve handling without compromising any of the positive characteristics associated with Airborne wings.
The new Arrow wing has been under development for 12 months. The Arrow was based on the Streak SST wing, but with span decreased by 0.6m, and root reduced by 0.2m. The first flights on the prototype were impressive, with stall speeds similar to its big brother, while the smaller span provides a very nimble feel with quicker roll rate and excellent stability.
Further sail and airfoil refinements have yielded an even greater speed range whilst retaining impressive slow speed performance. Clever undersurface shaping developed for our high-performance hang gliders has been used which allows the undersurface to blow-down producing a "tear drop" airfoil at the tips when high speeds are reached. The change in airfoil shape reduces tip mean camber, which moves the lift distribution inboard, improving roll and pitch stability. The benefit is a comfortable feel with easy handling in turbulence at all speeds.
Performance testing has shown no increase in stall speed and a decrease in fuel burn compared to the SST wing.
Flying the Arrow. You notice the smaller span straight away, even whilst taxiing. On applying full power for take-off it is surprising how quickly the Arrow gets off the ground. Straight away the controls feel comfortable with a lighter feel in roll than the SST but maintaining excellent feedback through the pitch range.
The stall gives the pilot the same feedback as do all Airborne wings and is very mild at normal and what is considered safe pitch angles. Coming in to land through turbulence, the Arrow gives you extra control due to its small span. The extra control is also noticeable when holding the nose up at lower speeds. The pitch feel is excellent.
Compared to the SST, slower landing speeds in turbulence can be achieved because of the wing’s increased authority, and decreased susceptibility to turbulence, which contributes to shorter landing rolls in rougher air.
Our customers know our commitment to high quality engineering finish in our products. The Arrow is no exception, although we have gone a step further with this wing. The sail is a work of art. It has been carefully adapted to the frame for an almost (there are limits) perfect fit.
The new top surface cloth on the Arrow makes a lot of sense for a microlight wing. The smooth Mylar finish allows for easy cleaning and is the best weapon against our feathered hanger friends.
In Summary. The final prototype of the Arrow wing is a pleasure to fly and has seen so much enthusiasm from our pilots at Airborne that it’s difficult to get a flight in our one and only demo.
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The fuel tank holds 72
litres giving the pilot enough airtime for extensive
cross country or circuit work. The tank is especially
designed for the XT and helps to give the aircraft it's
aerodynamic lines. The CNC milled mast capture has allowed
an efficient means of attaching the engine mounts, the
shock absorbers and the seat frame. The mast is held
in place by this part which has been milled out of solid
6061 grade aluminium. This method of manufacturing allows
for very strong and light weight components to be used. |
Standard features
* Rotax 912 UL engine
* Carby Heating
* Electric Start
* Ceramic coated Exhaust
* Bolly 3 Blade Propeller
* Skydat GX2 digital instrumentation
* Cockpit, Wheel Pants, Centre Console and Soft Sides
* Steering Dampner
* Dual Steering
* Fully upholstered custom seating
* 72 Litre Fuel Tank (19 gallon)
* Tested to 6G positive and 3 G negative
* Civil Aviation Safety Authority approved
Note: Check the comparison chart and the accessories list
to see what other options are available for the XT.